Compete Like a Pro in the Workplace
- Speak up. To advance and grow, no matter the job market, you will always need to sell your accomplishments, skills and ideas to your future or present employer.
- You will also have to compete with coworkers for the best job assignments, promotions, and pay raises. Move boldly and quickly but with well thought-out plans.
- Strive for excellence in everything that you do. Ask yourself if you are doing the best you can. If you are not, ask yourself why and find ways to improve. Confront your fears.
- Cultivate allies in the workplace. They can provide you with information and knowledge, introduce you to people that can help you move up, offer constructive criticism of your ideas, help you as part of a team, and, most importantly, be your friends.
- Adopt courage as a career strategy. Find yourself a Courage Mentor who will help you to receive your talents and abilities, gain enthusiasm and self-respect, and learn how to overcome the fears that are holding you back in your career.
Job Smarts, Ray Dreyfack, Ferguson Publishing Co., 2002
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