Fun Facts Friday
Your resume is a vital part of you job searching process! Be sure not to make any mistakes these candidates did:
- I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.
- I have lurnt Word Perfect 6.0 computor and spreadsheet progroms.
- Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.
- Reason for leaving last job: maturity leave.
- Wholly responsible for two (2) failed financial institutions.
- Its best for employers that I not work with people.
- Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.
- I was working for my mom until she decided to move.
- Failed bar exam with relatively high grades.
- Marital status: single. Unmarried. Unengaged. Uninvolved. No Commitments.
- I am loyal to my employer at all costs... Please feel free to respond to my resume on my office voice mail.
- My goal is to be a meteorologist. But since I possess no training in meterology, I suppose I should try stock brokerage.
- I procrastinate, especially when the task is unpleasant.
- Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain store.
- Note: Please don't miscontrue my 14 jobs as job-hopping. I have never quit a job.
- Reason for leaving last job: They insisted that all employees get to work by 8:45 a.m. every morning. Could not work under those conditions.
- References: None. I've left a path of destruction behind me.
- I am most proudest of my 3.93 GPA and organize skills.
- Graduated in the top 70% of my class.
- Completed 11 years of high school
- Bi-lingual in three languages.
- Here are my qualifications for you to overlook
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