Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making It Big Monday

Stay Positive During Your Job Search: Hints and Tips

1. Give yourself permission to be “all over the place.”
Being emotionally up and down is normal when going through a career transition. Sometimes you are allowed a “bad day” or even a “bad week.”

2. Control those ‘voices.’
Sometimes there are voices in our heads that can bring us down. However, if someone else walked up to you and said these things to your face, you’d be very offended. Start taking control of the voices and think positively.

3. Do some exercise.
Any form of physical exercise or relaxation technique gives you an immediate shot of endorphins. Go for a walk, run, or play a favorite sport.

4. Ask yourself better questions.
What went well today? What are my top five achievements? What step can I take today to help me move forward? All these questions shift your mindset and your emotions which can be encouraging.

5. Don’t stress about stuff you can’t control.
No one can control the weather—so I don’t worry or complain about it. Remember that you can’t control the economy (or the job market) either. Focus your mental energy and time on things you can control.

6. Reduce your consumption of mainstream press and media.
“Bad news sells”. You need to be informed about the marketplace and the world, but you don’t need to listen to the same story about how bad the market is repetitively. Listening to bad news all the time simply makes you more anxious.

7. Celebrate the small successes.
You need to pat yourself on the back every once and a while. Focusing on small wins gives you energy and confidence.

8. Count your blessings.
So try to keep a perspective on things. Be grateful with the life you have and have a positive outlook on life.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

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