Monday, January 6, 2014

Recovering From a Bad Interview

Almost everyone experiences a bad interview at some point in their career.  If you are lucky enough to realize the interview has gone south while still in the midst of it, you have the opportunity to recollect your thoughts and take control of the situation. However, not everybody realizes where they went wrong until the interview is already over. If this happens to you, here are a few tips:

·         Don’t Overanalyze

It’s normal (and easy) to replay every detail of the interview in your head, but don’t beat yourself up! Chances are, most of the things you are agonizing over went completely unnoticed by the interviewer. Overanalyzing will make you start to feel like the interview went a lot worse than it actually did, so try not to obsess over the little things.

·         Send A Thank You Note Anyway

If your interview went poorly, it’s even more reason for you to follow-up with a thank you note or letter. Just remember, pointing out all of the things you think went wrong during the interview won’t make the situation better. In fact, you could point out something the interviewer didn’t even notice and make things worse. When you write your thank you note, keep it professional and thank the interviewer the same way you would have if the interview had gone well.

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