How to choose where you want to workConsider some of these points
1.Do you know anyone who lives abroad?This can be a major advantage to you when making contacts, finding accommodation and looking for work.
2.Do you want to travel around a bit?Choosing an initial "safe" destination (where you are not too far from home or know someone or have already secured employment) so if doesn't work out you can always head back home easily. It will also ease you in to a foreign culture, which will be valuable experience for further travels.
3.Look into the skills gaps in various destinations.Then see if your particular skills can fit into those gaps? You will find it much easier to get work that way.
4.What can you afford to spend?You may be lucky and have a job to go to or are able to find one quickly when you arrive. But you will still have to fork out rent and other expenses and may not be paid straight away.