Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tip of the Day Tuesday

5 Things You Should Leave OFF Your Resume!

Despite LinkedIn, Facebook and other new job hunting forums, at some point in the application process you’ll be asked for a resume or CV. A good resume can still help you get that all-important interview for an open position. So what should you cut from your first draft? Here are five suggestions for meaningful exclusions.

References Available on Request. Drop it! All hiring managers know you need solid references at some point in the job hunt. Have your list ready before they ask. Verify your contact information for each reference and let each person know you want to use them as a reference.

Your Photo. According to Careerbuilder.com, in most cases, a company will throw away your resume without looking at it, to avoid the issue of discrimination, if you have a photo in it.

Every Job You’ve Had Since You Were 16. Evaluate every position you include in your resume by asking if it's relevant and recent. If a job doesn’t qualify, leave it out.

Resume Clichés. Investopedia.com warns against boring language in a resume (phrases like “team player” and “detail-oriented”). Use a thesaurus if you need it. You can also really describe what makes you a team player or how you actually used your attention to detail to make a specific project successful.

Unprofessional email address. Id Interns helps students and recent graduates in the arts. They remind job and internship seekers that personalized handles like designfreak82@hotmail.com or sweetiepie02@yahoo.com will not impress a potential employer. Instead, they suggest a simple first name [dot] last name address for all job-related correspondence.

By ResumeBear. To view the original article CLICK HERE

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