Work ethic is a very important attribute to have, especially if you are starting a home business. When you work for someone else, you're motivated by your desire to impress your boss so you can get a raise to make more money. However, if you work for yourself you have to be motivated by a whole different set of factors. You need to have a strong work ethic because there will be no one else there cracking the whip to get you to work. If work ethic is something that you struggle with, follow these steps to create more success in your home business.
1. Set clear goals for yourself
Have you ever spent an afternoon trying to work on your business only to find yourself a few hours later with nothing done? It's probably because you didn't have a clear goal in mind of what you'd like to get accomplished. The best thing you can do in order to maintain a good work ethic is have goals. You should have long term goals (like yearly or quarterly goals), mid-range goals (per month or per week) and short term goals (daily or hourly). The more specific you can get for your goals, the better. Many people make the mistake of setting a long range goal and then not breaking it down into small steps. If you set a goal for something as little as a few hours, you'll find yourself more motivated to work. Be sure to track your goals and reward yourself by checking off your tasks as you finish them.
2. Think about the rewards and not the struggle of working
Often when someone sits down to work they feel overwhelmed by what they have to accomplish. They spend so much time worrying about how much work needs to be accomplished that they work themselves into a state of fear, which can prevent any work from taking place. If you find that this happens to you, you should focus on the rewards of being finished with your work. Imagine yourself spending the rest of the day with nothing on your plate. Picture the excitement you'll feel knowing that you've met your goals for the day. The more you take pleasure in getting your work done, the more you'll be motivated to finish your work quickly.
3. Create a focused work environment
When you own a home based business you may think that you can work in front of the television, around family or in an otherwise noisy environment. This is a surefire way for lowering your productivity. You need to train yourself to create a focused work environment so you can complete the work that you need to get done. Set up a dedicated work space and surround yourself with the items and conditions that you feel most comfortable with. For example, some people need silence in order to get work done, while others prefer music. Set yourself up for success and you'll be more able to work quickly and accomplish your goals.
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