A biotechnology technician is a person who typically works in a laboratory assisting scientists in the research, development, and testing of various forms of biotechnology. Although a technician’s specific duties may vary, they are usually responsible for setting up the lab, trouble-shooting equipment problems, and preparing solutions for scientific tests. Technicians may also perform simple scientific procedures and collect and record the data from these procedures. These technicians may work in many different areas of biotechnology and have a variety of job titles such as agricultural and food science technician, biological technician, or chemical technician. A biotechnology technician may also be employed as an environmental science technician or a forensic science technician.
A biotechnology technician working in the area of agricultural and food science is usually involved in many kinds of animal, fiber, or food research. These technicians typically conduct experiments and other tests in order to improve the quality and yield of various crops. They also assist scientists in experiments to increase resistance to insects and diseases in certain kinds of plants and animals. Some technicians may be used to breed different types of animals for nutrition experiments. Agricultural technicians are also responsible for analyzing, recording, and compiling test results, as well as cleaning and sterilizing laboratory equipment.
Technicians who work in the biological science field usually assist scientists who are conducting different types of medical research in order to find cures for certain diseases. They may also work for a pharmaceutical company helping to develop new medicines and vaccines. Technicians who work in the field of microbiology may also analyze different organic matter such as food or blood.
A biotechnology technician working in the chemical industry will typically assist a chemical engineer or chemist in the development of new types of chemicals or other related products. Technicians who are involved in certain types of research and development projects may be used to collect and analyze water or air samples to determine pollution levels.
Technicians employed in environmental science are usually responsible for monitoring various environmental resources. These technicians typically perform various types of field and laboratory tests to help determine possible sources of pollution in the environment. Environmental technicians are also used in the control and management of hazardous materials.
Biotechnology technicians working in forensic science typically collect and analyze physical evidence obtained from crime scenes. These technicians are often specialists in areas such as firearms or DNA analysis. Forensic technicians are also used to prepare reports for investigators and may be called upon to testify in court as an expert witness in certain types of criminal cases.
How Do I Become a Biotechnology Technician?
To become a biotechnology technician, you'll first have to graduate from high school or earn an equivalent diploma. Taking advanced science and math courses, including biology, chemistry, and algebra, in high school may help you to build a good foundation of knowledge you can use in your biotechnology program. After graduating from high school or earning a GED, you may enroll in a two-year biotechnology or laboratory technology program that ends with a diploma, certificate, or associate's degree. It's important to note that some employers prefer to hire individuals who have bachelor's degrees in biology or a related science instead of those with less education. As such, you may do well to check job listings in your area before you choose an educational path.
Once you have earned a degree, certificate, or diploma, you can start to look for a job as a biotechnology technician. You may get help through the job placement office at your school or enlist the assistance of an employment agency. You may also look for help wanted ads in newspapers and via online job-listing services. Additionally, you may find unadvertised opportunities by contacting science, agricultural, and pharmaceutical companies; colleges and universities; and even government organizations to learn about possible job openings.
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-a-biotechnology-technician-do.htm, http://www.wisegeek.com/how-do-i-become-a-biotechnology-technician.htm
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