Friday, February 18, 2011

Freelance Friday

Freelancing while working full time ( Moonlighting)

Keep a Time / Activity LogIf you are going to work a full time job and keep up a productive freelance business, then keeping a time and activity log is essential. With an activity log, you will be able to identify black holes in your schedule that can be turned into productive work time.

Create a Daily ScheduleNow that you have eliminated your time wasters, you should know how much time you have available to you every day. In order to stay on top of your work, it is a good idea to write down everything that needs to be accomplished on a daily basis. Write these activities down by priority level and set a time limit for each task.

Eat While You Work or at Least Skip Eating OutTaking the time to go out to eat is a huge waste of time that could be spent getting your work done.I suggest taking 20-30 minutes to eat your lunch and then utilize the second 30 minutes to get some work done.

Utilize What You Have on HandNot everyone has access to the Internet or even a computer at their full time job. If this is the case for you, then don’t worry. I am sure there are other things that need to get done that don’t require a computer. Taking the time to brainstorm how you are going to go about your client’s project is always a great way to spend your time. This might include sketching down ideas or using mind mapping strategies.

Utilize Your DowntimeIf your job has downtime periods, then by all means take advantage of this free time. If you employer allows you to use the Internet during downtimes, then you are lucky and should take advantage of this for your productivity.

Avoid DistractionsThings such as the Internet, email, phone calls, TV, and friends are distractions from your work. You will need to let them know that things are busy right now and that you will give them a call when your workload lessens. As for the Internet, email, phone calls, and TV, we all know that these are all time-user-uppers. Try to only check your personal emails once or twice a day.

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