Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tip of the Day

Interview Tips

1. Thoroughly research the job and company. Try to know as much about their product(s) and services as you can. Preparation will make you feel confident and you won't be nervous if you are asked specific company-related questions.

2. Be prepared to describe your Strengths and Weakness.

3. Maintain eye contact. It shows that you are focused and confident.

4. Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm about the company.

5. Dress professionally. "Professional" can be interpreted in many ways these days. Basically, whether the company's style requires a suit or is laid back, make an effort to look presentable. It REALLY matters.

6. Try to respond to questions within 60 seconds. You don't want to give very short answers but lengthy responses will make the employer lose interest and you might lose your own focus.

7. Listen and respond to answers directly. If you are unclear about a question, ask for clarification.

8. Be prepared to discuss how what you've done in the past will affect how you'll perform in your future position. Give examples that show your value.

9. Ask questions. Sharp questions show that you are proactive and want to make sure that this company is the right place for you.

10. Bring an extra copy of your resume.

11. Send a thank you note within two days of the interview. Express your interest in the position and thank the interviewer for his or her time.


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