Thursday, January 12, 2012

Top Job Thursday

Benefits of Being a Graphic Artist

Express Your Creativity

An excellent benefit of being a graphic artist is the ability to express your creativity. Many artists are moving towards graphic design because it’s easier to make a living as a graphic designer than it is in areas such as fine art.

Web or Print Flexibility
Just like fine art, you have different mediums as a graphic designer, two major ones being print and web. If you get into web design and you can pick up programming skills such as html, css and php. Being a graphic artist will allow you to branch off into other skill sets.

Huge Client Base
Every business needs a graphic artist. If a business is going to do marketing someone is going to need to design those marketing materials. As long as businesses keep growing and new ones keep appearing, then graphic artists will always have plenty of work. Because of this, the competition is getting rougher every day, so you will need to work much harder to stand out from the crowd.

As a graphic artist you have the ability to easily do freelance work online. There are various places to find freelance work on the Internet and you can work from the comfort of your own home.

Work In-House

If you are not ready to freelance or run your own studio you can always work full-time for someone else. Some designers worry about their creativity being limited in-house, but its up to you to look at the benefits and disadvantages to make the right choice.

Learn on Your Own
While it is recommended to go to school for graphic design, many amazing graphic artists have learned on their own. If you practice enough at home, study other art, practice tutorials, read books and have a passion for design, you can learn on your own. The benefit of going to school is having teachers to guide you and critique your work, so if you learn yourself you need to be able to gauge what your current skill level is and understand what areas need improvement.

Easy Online Marketing
Today's design community is full of excellent forums, blogs, gallery sites, organizations, tutorials sites and much more. There are so many ways to market your skills online. It just takes a little a bit of time and energy but its worth it.

By Cadence Wu. To view the original article CLICK HERE

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