Friday, August 9, 2013

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

Ever since Twitter erupted, celebrities, athletes, and your friends have been able to share anything they want at any given moment.  Sure, this method of communication has its perks, but do you really need to share everything?  After researching what the experts had to say, here’s what we suggest keeping off Twitter, no matter how tempting it may be to post!
1.       Work-Related Gossip: This one seems like a given, yet it continues to be a problem for some.  Sure, your boss may have ticked you off today, or maybe you heard a juicy tidbit about a fellow employee, but there is never a good reason to share this information with the rest of the world.

2.       Your Whereabouts: Maybe you’re going to be coming home from work late tonight, you’re alone in the house for the night, or you’re going away for the week. As innocent as a tweet about any of these things may seem, posting about it on the internet spells out vulnerability. While you think you’re sharing your exciting vacation details, you’ve also let who knows how many people that your house is going to be empty for a week, or you are going to be at home alone tonight.  Bottom line: don’t share this information on social media – for your own safety.

3.       Inappropriate or Offensive Content: This one is pretty simple. If you are about to tweet something that you wouldn’t want your Grandma to see, don’t tweet it.  Remember, employers scan through potential candidates’ social media posts, and you don’t want inappropriate tweets to cost you a potential job.

4.       Personal Information: It’s surprising how many people still share too much personal information online.  Just remember – the info you’re tweeting can be seen by hundreds of people, some of who you may not even know. Being smarter about your posts can help you stay safer online.

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