Friday, February 17, 2012

Fun Facts Friday

Nosy? Here are some jobs that are for you!

Being nosy isn’t generally considered a positive attribute in a job candidate but some jobs require an inquisitive personality. These jobs are some possibilities for you!

1) Gossip Columnist: For those who can rattle off Brad Pitt’s dating history since he was born, you may find career bliss as a Gossip Columnist. There aren’t many ready-made openings for gossip columnists, so this job is suited to people with ambition and entrepreneurial drive.

2) Private Investigator: What could be better than being paid to find the dirt others want to keep hidden? Due to heightening security demands, employment of private detectives and investigators is expected to grow 22 percent during the 2008-18 decade—much faster than average.

3) Market Researcher: Market Researchers scrutinize the way people behave. More specifically, they figure out how and why certain types of people buy certain types of products. The mathematically minded will enjoy this position. The job revolves around analyzing raw data in order to help companies develop, enhance, and market their goods and services. It’s also unlikely to be outsourced any time soon.

4) Customs Patrol Officer: The granddaddy of all nosy jobs, Customs Patrol Officers are required to ask lots and lots of questions, all in the name of protecting the nation’s borders. While monitoring the international comings and goings of ships, planes, cars and foot traffic, they get to peak into people’s trunks, verify identification, and occasionally testify in court proceedings.

5) Digital Photographer: Why does this job makes this list? Simple: Paparazzi.

6) Personnel Coordinator: Personnel Coordinators deal with two things: paperwork and people. Whether it’s making sure employees have dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s on the required documents that keep a company out of trouble (think liability release forms), overseeing the hiring process of a new employee, or investigating employee efficiency, Personnel Coordinators handle a lot of confidential information.

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