Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top Job Thursday

The Benefits of Becoming a Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer can be a very rewarding job. After you get certified, you will have a vast array of options open to you, and amazing benefits come with those options. Here are a few of the benefits to becoming a personal trainer for a career.

1. You are the boss (most of the time). If you work for yourself, you can set your own days and hours that you will work. Even if you work for a gym, you still might be able to pick a flexible schedule that fits into your life. Most of the time, personal trainers can decide when and where they work, and how many hours they work which is something you most likely would not have in an office environment.

2. You can choose where you work. Some certified fitness trainers work for a gym. Others, choose to work on a contract basis and there are also opportunities where you can work in the clients' homes. You might spend a morning running outside with one client and spend the afternoon swimming with another. One thing’s certain: You won't be in a tiny cubicle all day.

3. You will stay in great shape. Since personal trainers work out with their clients, they are generally very physically fit. Not only does this help you get work by being your own walking billboard, but you will stay in peak condition, allowing you to better serve your clients.

4. You will be helping people. Personal training is a very people-oriented job. You will get to spend time with people and will help them reach their goals—from losing weight, to getting healthier, to living longer. You might even change the lives of some people. What could be better?

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