Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Information Services Department is pleased to offer FREE COMPUTER CLASSES for beginners. These will be single session lessons covering one topic. Classes are on hour. Pre-registration is required for all classes and enrolment is limited. Priority will be given to those who have not previously taken the classes.
Please contact the Information Services Department on the second floor of the Library or call 613.968.6731 ext 2237 to register.
1. Computer Basics: Will learn the basics about the computer including mouse use, keyboarding and organizing files.
2. Word Processing: Will introduce you to Microsoft Word software including how to use the keyboard, copy and paste text and create, edit, save and print documents.
3. Internet Navigation: Will learn about toolbars, search engines, and creating a ‘Favorites’ list. You will learn to access the Belleville Public Library catalogue via the Internet. This will allow you to search our catalogue, reserve and renew books from home.
4. Email: Will assist you in setting up your personal email account. You will learn to send/receive email, organize and attach files to your email.
5. Online Consumer Health Information: Will help you find accurate, reliable medical information on the internet. You must have basic computer skills to attend this workshop.
6. Will teach you the basics of, a subscription genealogical database, available at your library. Learn to research your family roots. You must have basic computer skills to attend this workshop.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This is just a reminder that Loyalist Students and Alumni have access to the Career Centre’s amazing services. The Career Centre is located in Room 2H3, beside SAL. Whether you are looking for summer employment, on campus work, part-time school year employment, volunteer work, your first career upon graduation, or you’re making a career change the Career Centre is a great place to start. The Career Centre’s wonderful staff is knowledgeable and friendly; prepared to assist you in many ways. Some of the great services the Career Centre offers are:
· One-on-one sessions to assist with cover letters/resumes
· Weekly Resume Drop-In Sessions: Tuesday’s 11:30 – 1:30 in the Cafeteria
· Simulated interview sessions with an Employment and Career Advisor
· Handouts on specific career related topics
· Career magazines
· Access to computers, fax, printer and photocopier for job search purposes
· Job posting boards located outside of Career Centre in the back of SAL
Please feel free to drop in and see exactly how the Career Centre can help you,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Stress of a Student
Wow, Can you believe we are on week 8 already! I bet everyone has been busy finishing assignments and beginning to get ready for mid-terms. Life of a student can be very stressful, especially if you have more on your plate. Allot of people have children, volunteer, work and much more. In this day and age people tend to put so much on themselves until they burn out. Stress relief is important to do regularly as much as we like to put it off or say we don't have time. Make time for some of these great stress relievers.
1) Listen to music
2) Sing Loudly
3) Clean
4) play with your kids
5) exercise
6) hit the punching bag! Or pillow, clay, stress balls all help release the pressure you are feeling.
7) Journaling/Blogging
8) Watch a reality show- Happiness at the misery of others, we subconsciously are lifted when we see others fail. Weird as it sounds
9) Take a bath/Walk
10) Delegate- stop putting so much on your work load
11) Eat Chocolate- Mmm
I Hope these tips help!
Peer Employment Advisor
Where in the world?
Where have all the good jobs gone? Do you feel like you are either over qualified or under qualified for the jobs you’re applying for, or that you keep applying to places but are getting no response? Well, you’re not alone. Not only are students having a hard time finding jobs, so are grads. Many people have been returning to school to start a second career because they can't find any jobs in their field. What has happened over the last few years to make all the great jobs unattainable? Well, I maybe can't answer why you are not getting any calls back but I can definitely give some tips from experience and from my peers to help you along the way.
- Think Big! - "If you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big" ~Donald Trump
- Be Confident - You deserve success and believe it!
- Set Yourself Apart - Think outside the box
- Be Honest - There is no point being dishonest since the truth has a way of surfacing.
- Research - Many companies will ask you questions from their web pages. Show you are interested by having some information ready
- Be Persistent - you never know if you are one call away from getting your dream job.
- Get a Second Opinion - Don't get frustrated, you have the resources at the school to help you perfect your résumé. Use them.
Come by and visit the Career Centre!
Peer Employment Advisor
Monday, October 19, 2009
New to the Loyalist Career Centre
Hey everyone!
I have been recently hired as the new Peer Employment Adviser and I love everything about it. I have learned so much about portfolios, resumes, cover letters and interviews. As a student, I feel I was really unaware of how much the career centre does and how accessible they are to students. They are available to students all throughout the day and always greet you with a warm welcome. The people in the Career Centre are so approachable and love assisting students with the difficult task of job hunting. Lets face it, it has been getting more and more difficult for students to find a job, even just at Tim Hortons. I myself struggled throughout the summer, and through that have gained some valuable experience and tips on job hunting.
The Career Centre has been vary flexible for working around my school schedules, and I really appreciate it. I suggest the first stop to make before job hunting is the Career Centre. They may not always have a potential job, but you can get valuable information, suggestions, and tips on whatever you may be applying for.
This is a great resource for students that you should not pass up. Even if you think your resume is perfect, it can't hurt to get a second opinion. There will be a resume clinic every Tuesday and Thursday in the cafeteria, so if you are a little nervous to go to the Career Centre, they have made themselves available for one on one's with the students on their turf and time.
Happy Hunting!
Thanks and Talk to you soon