Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Stress of a Student

Wow, Can you believe we are on week 8 already! I bet everyone has been busy finishing assignments and beginning to get ready for mid-terms. Life of a student can be very stressful, especially if you have more on your plate. Allot of people have children, volunteer, work and much more. In this day and age people tend to put so much on themselves until they burn out. Stress relief is important to do regularly as much as we like to put it off or say we don't have time. Make time for some of these great stress relievers.

1) Listen to music
2) Sing Loudly
3) Clean
4) play with your kids
5) exercise
6) hit the punching bag! Or pillow, clay, stress balls all help release the pressure you are feeling.
7) Journaling/Blogging
8) Watch a reality show- Happiness at the misery of others, we subconsciously are lifted when we see others fail. Weird as it sounds
9) Take a bath/Walk
10) Delegate- stop putting so much on your work load
11) Eat Chocolate- Mmm

I Hope these tips help!

Peer Employment Advisor

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