Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where in the world?

Where have all the good jobs gone? Do you feel like you are either over qualified or under qualified for the jobs you’re applying for, or that you keep applying to places but are getting no response? Well, you’re not alone. Not only are students having a hard time finding jobs, so are grads. Many people have been returning to school to start a second career because they can't find any jobs in their field. What has happened over the last few years to make all the great jobs unattainable? Well, I maybe can't answer why you are not getting any calls back but I can definitely give some tips from experience and from my peers to help you along the way.

  1. Think Big! - "If you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big" ~Donald Trump
  2. Be Confident - You deserve success and believe it!
  3. Set Yourself Apart - Think outside the box
  4. Be Honest - There is no point being dishonest since the truth has a way of surfacing.
  5. Research - Many companies will ask you questions from their web pages. Show you are interested by having some information ready
  6. Be Persistent - you never know if you are one call away from getting your dream job.
  7. Get a Second Opinion - Don't get frustrated, you have the resources at the school to help you perfect your résumé. Use them.

Come by and visit the Career Centre!

Peer Employment Advisor

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