Friday, May 13, 2011

Freelance Friday

Interview Preparation

Once you have received a call about an interview, you must prepare. This cannot be emphasized enough. Many job applicants spend very little time preparing for an interview and, unsurprisingly, this often leads to poor results. Thorough preparation will increase your confidence and help you improve your performance and job prospects.

1.Know yourself – review the self-assessment work you completed when writing your CV and cover letter. Carefully consider how you want to convey this information verbally and think of specific examples from your past experiences which highlight your skills, qualifications and achievements.

2.Research – researching the industry, the employer and the position for which you are applying for, prior to an interview, is extremely important. It reflects well on your enthusiasm and the information you gain from professional organizations, business councils and relevant websites will help you prepare questions for the employer and give you a good sense of salary levels, working conditions and current market trends.

3.Practice – prepare and practice answers to possible interview questions. You can schedule an appointment for a mock interview with a career advisor or you can practice with a friend to get feedback on your verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

4.Contact your references – it is a good idea to reconnect with your references during the job search process so that they know what positions you are applying for and are aware they may be contacted in the near future.

5. The day of the interview - dress for success and bring along any documents or information you may need, such as extra copies of your CV and a list of references. Arrive ten to fifteen minutes prior to the interview and be friendly, respectful and positive with everyone you meet.

6.Follow-up - once your interview is over, you can breathe more easily, but your work is not quite finished. Many candidates miss a valuable opportunity by failing to follow up with an organization after an interview. Send a thank-you note to the interviewers within a day or two to thank them for their time and indicate your continued interest in the position. Do not be afraid to follow up with the interviewers and inquire about the status of your application if you have not heard from them within the agreed time frame.

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