Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tip of the Day

Dress for Success

Why are clothes so important?
- Most companies have dress codes and professional expectations of employees.
- If people are focused on your clothing, then they are not focused on you, and the good work that you do.
- Research shows that your physical appearance counts for 55% of your overall communication.
- Many people succeed when they dress for their desired job.

How do you decide what to wear?
- Do not dress down because others are- focus on those in leadership roles.
- When in doubt, over dress.
- Ask for the company policy.
- If you have a mentor, or someone you admire in the field, take note of how they dress.

Where to Shop for Work Clothes
- Thrift Stores such as Value Village
- Have a clothing exchange with friends or family
- Borrow clothes from friends of family
- Walmart, Zellers and Giant Tiger all sell dress clothes at reasonable prices
- Many stores in the mall carry business attire

Start Now!
As a student, now is the time to start building a professional wardrobe. By doing so, this will also help you prepare for placement or internship opportunities.

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